Call of duty: black ops cold war update
Call of duty: black ops cold war update

call of duty: black ops cold war update

The Nuke Scorestreak is finally back! After 30 kills without dying, you get a Nuke that, when used, kills all players on the map but does not end the match.As the name suggests, they each mix the familiar Cranked Mode with either TDM or Kill Confirmed. Cranked Team Deathmatch and Cranked Kill Confirmed come as new game modes.Steal the flag of the enemy team and bring it to your base – you already know how this mode works. Finally, Capture the Flag is also coming to BOCW.The paintball arena looks like a lot of close combat fun. With Rush comes a new 6v6 map that most players should already know from Black Ops 2.The Iron Sights of the XM4, QBZ-83, Krig 6 and FFAR 1 have been moved slightly further forward.īOCW Update 1.20 Patch Notes: Multiplayer.The Mace can also be unlocked via a challenge or purchased as a bundle in the coming weeks.

call of duty: black ops cold war update

It can be unlocked via a challenge, or bought as a bundle. We have a deep-dive for you in a separate article. With the new OTs 9 submachine gun, we get back an old familiar weapon that many players may still know as the Scorpion.Warzone Season 4 Reloaded: What Is Payload?īOCW Update 1.20 Patch Notes for Season 4: Reloaded BOCW Update 1.20 Patch Notes: Weapons.You don't know how to compete against 12-year-olds? Then you haven't read our guides yet. PC: 13.0GB (without HD Pack) / 21.2 GB (with HD Pack).How Big is the BOCW Update 1.20 Download? The preload for BOCW should have been available for a little over 24 hours (as per the time of writing), if you want to jump right into the action without waiting for the download. Warzone Season 4: Reloaded will also launch at the same time. New weapons LT53 Kazimir Grenade and CRBR-S Wonder WeaponīOCW Update 1.20 will go live on Thursday, July 15 at 6PM CEST.What Does BOCW Season 4: Reloaded and Update 1.20 Bring?

Call of duty: black ops cold war update